Wow so much, so little

No internet for past few days so no blogs, that means a fast summary since tonnes has happened:

– drove from Sydney to Nowra via the Royal National Park, stopped at Garrie beach and enjoyed almost pure solitude despite being only 60 minutes outside of Sydney

– grab a few bottles of red and spent the night in the great company of my aunt Sandy and uncle Rob in Nowra. The reds were lovely (one Hunter Valley blend that was trenmendous) and the pork tenderloin scrumptious.

– left the next morning for the start of our journey to Melbourne, a wee bit worse for wear… Jervis Bay ended up making up for the early start. The beach at Hyams may have the whitest sand in the world.

– from there we decided to forgo the advice of family and went for Eden instead of the Snowy mountain route. Happy we did, great route, no traffic, interesting scenary! We made Eden, had an interesting stay with a great morning start at the wharf watching fishermen unload and pelicans fly.

– spent Sunday driving from Eden to Melbourne via the coastal route with a side treck to Phillip Island. Despite 1300 kms over 2 days we managed to see some amazing things despite no live ‘Roos or Koalas (outside of the zoo of course). We arrived in Melbourne to have great Italian and a solid “house red”, restaurant and red names escape me.

– Tonight we are off to La Citta for dinner thanks to our Melbourne native/ Toronto living friend David Colebatch, we will get back to you on the results.


About CanadianWineGuy

The Wine Guy, He's Canadian, they call him CanadianWineGuy
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