If your looking for value out of France, look no further than Touraine which is the little brother of better know Sancerre’s, and come at a much reduced price. Pale straw in color with a nice citrus and minerally nose. On the mid palate the wine is spot on varietal sauv blanc with nice crisp dry citrus notes, where the minerality dances nicely on the tongue. On the medium length finish the wine’s minerality, citrus notes, and dryness live on in the mouth. A lovely, varietal softer sauv blanc. I would give it an 88 or so, well worth the money. Spot on, food friendly! From the LCBO web site, check stock;
Sauvignon Blanc
750 mL bottle | VINTAGES#: 15755$16.95 (0)Write a Review

This fresh, lively wine was sourced from flinty clay soils and matured on the lees. It’s crafted in an easy-to-enjoy style that offers great value. There’s lots of lime, guava, quince and apple notes. Try it with Vietnamese spring rolls. (Vintages panel, Nov. 2019)
Release Date:January 23, 2021750 mL bottleAlcohol/Vol:12%Made In:Loire, FranceBy:Earl Paris SimmoneauSugar Content:4 g/LSweetness Descriptor:XD – Extra DryStyle:Aromatic & FlavourfulVarietal:Sauvignon Blanc